
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Same Sex Marriage

I have a friend whom I have had the privilege of growing up with since 4th grade. She has always worn the title of flirtatious and was slated for the superlative in our senior year of high school. She was one was always willing to try sexual acts with any dude that looked like he had it going on. The term that most considered her was "hoe" or "whore". But friendship lasts through thick and thin. I never judged her lifestyle although I never condoned it as well. Big shocker came when this friend of mine revealed that she was gay in summer of 08. No one could understand how such a promiscuous girl could be gay. Just as she took her heterosexuality to the edge, she has done the same with her homosexuality.

Her and girlfriend, who is also a friend of mine, have a pretty decent relationship. They are so engulfed with love and cant seem to get enough of each other. They have expressed their love for each other in huge monetary forms and even huger non-monetary forms. You would view them as the perfect lesbian couple. They do basically everything together and her girlfriend has managed to even take my place on many occasions as the best friend.

While sitting down one evening with the two of them, I began to ask questions about their relationship. I asked them how far did they see themselves going and I was utterly disgusted when my friend of 12 years told me "I am going to marry a man and she will just be my mistress." Both smiled in concurrence with the statement as I sat baffled and dismayed. I couldn't believe my friend was preparing to cheat on her husband with a woman ALREADY. How can one be so ignorant? My next question was well if you love each other so much, why wont you two just get married. They both just snickered as if I was the dumb one in the situation. I got a response later stating that "Two women aren't supposed to get married."

Well, they got me there! I am in no way against same sex marriage but I do have Christian values which believe that God put man on earth for a woman, not another man. I snickered back at the two as I realized how stupid they sounded. Since you know that MARRIAGE isn't made for two women or two men, why do you to continue on in a RELATIONSHIP in the same forbidden manner? One cannot possibly believe that God would be okay with the homosexual dating, but not okay with homosexual marriage. It's either all or none!

I'm sure there are those who probably have a long list of reasons WHY same sex marriage should be allowed. My only justification for such an act is the idea of freedom. People should be able to whatever they want to do. So if marrying the same sex makes you happy, GO FOR IT!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pretty for a Dark Skin Girl

It never ceases to amaze me how far the black culture has not come.

Growing up as a child, I remember being teased and taunted because of my "dark skin and big lips". I would go home in tears and a heart encumbered with confusion and hurt not knowing why I was not accepted as my peers were. My mother would always comfort me with words of wisdom as she would affirm me that I was indeed beautiful. She would always remind me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Christ. Although these words did serve as comfort and appeased my sadness, I was still lost and fearful of continuing another day with peers who judged and disrespected me.

Instead of embracing my dark skin and big lips, I grew to believe that my color was ugly and not preferred over a person with lighter skin. I became envious of those with lighter skin because in my eyes they were pretty and had access to all the things I wanted. I remember thinking how unfair God had been to me for giving me the tainted skin and blessing those around me with such a "beautiful color". I stopped doing outdoor activities to ensure that my complexion stayed as it was with no chance of getting darker. I was ashamed of myself and was still searching for an answer as to why people who were a shade or two lighter than me, called me names such as, "darky" and "blacky".

Today, as I have aged many years, I still see the same type of ignorant behavior within my race. People who are of a lighter complexion (especially girls) consider themselves amongst the elite and superior to those of a dark complexion. I am aware that not ALL have this mindset but the thought has plagued too many to name a few. I have encountered many who have even went so far to say "I'm not black! I'm light skin!". This boggled my mind to even fathom thought that people have set themselves apart as a race because of different shades of skin! It angers me to hear such things on my college's campus. I can't seem to understand why there is such a clear separation over dark and light skin. We are human which means we are all the same. No color is greater than the other!

I am proud to be of a darker complexion, simply because that's the way God made me and He meant things to be that way. Who am I to complain??? Yet it still gets deep under my skin when I hear someone say, "You sure are pretty for a dark skin girl." Immediately, anger begins to surface as I think over the statement quietly. What does that mean? Is that to say that every girl that is light skin is pretty? Is there ever a declaration that "She sure is ugly for a light skin girl."? Who put the measure of beauty on a skin tone? It angers me. Why can't I just be pretty? Why does my skin tone have anything to do with it? Is there a limit of beauty I can have because my skin is dark? Are my looks incomparable to a female of light skin?

The answers are absurd! It makes no sense whatsoever. I call the thought interracial racism. That is what I feel it is! It is pure discrimination and the language should be obsolete. Yet, "my people" will never be able to handle such a task. It is much easier to separate than it is to unite. So please, before you give a compliment to a female whose skin is dark, leave the extra unnecessary add-ons such as "for a dark skin girl" in the small brain that concocted that thought.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Love Letter

Dear Love:

You got a lot of nerve to show your face around here again cause see the last time I let you in, you took me so fast and so fast was the end

It seems as if you don’t like me and you try to spite me and I just want you to wife me and see what could and might be

But you seem to have other plans and I’m always blinded by your “caring” hands and that internal feeling when my heart begins to dance

But the rhythm that we start on is never the ending song but always gloomy and far gone from what we promised to each other on

Love, your audacity, and tenacity that only seems to have elasticity when you have the intentional capacity to see how much you can hurt me

Yeah love, I vividly, and clearly, and distinctly, and wholeheartedly remember how you did me and how left me swiftly

The many nights I depended on Mr. Radio to play a song or two about me and you to quiet my tears and calm my fears, Love

Love, where were you when I needed you? I cried out for you but the only thing that remained true is that it was you

It was you Love that turned your back on me, and left me on bended knee, only to face reality that hating you was not a good strategy

But why not hate you Love? You made me cry and made me want to die even after I gave you a second and third try

You still left me weeping when I should have been sleeping instead tears were steadily seeping and you were out creeping when it was me you should have been keeping

Love you couldn’t be my protector because it was your nectar that was the connector to the pain I felt, but

You see I learned from you. I learned that they’re two sides of you. Selfishly, you only let me see side A but selflessly, I peeked at side B

A being the Alright side and B being the Better side and I’m sure you know in which I put my pride and which I chose to truly confide

Yeah Love, the last time you left I gave up on seeing you once more but now I see what your cruelty was for

See if I didn’t see your horrible days, these happiness-uncontrollable days would not even begin to put me in that daze that I get from your tender ways

Yes Love, I thought you and I were done with but I see now that was just a crazy myth like me telling people my last name is smith

But you and I both know my last name is Battle and the crazy thought of me ever being done with you must skedaddle

This time I’m glad you came with good intentions cause now when I’m fussing and bitching, Love you are still sufficient to keep me as the beneficent

All the times before you treated me as your whore cause you pimped me and skimped me of my emotions and gave me ice as a devastating demotionI’m glad you’re back my friend.

But just what do you intend? Will you and I proceed to contend? Face to face, side by side to continue the race? But what happens when you decide to leave without a trace, again?