
Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Knew I Was A Mom When...

::1:: I cried as she was getting her Hep B shot

::2:: I didn't sleep for two nights just so I could watch her breathing

::3:: I cried when she cried due to her hunger

::4:: I was up at 4 in the morning,bright eyed and happy

::5:: I started tearing up when I thought about how life would be after I return to work

::6:: I forgot to eat cause I was so busy getting stuff prepared for her

::7:: I got pooed and peed on and smiled afterwards

::8:: I watched Spongebob

::9:: I didn't put up a facebook album of her pics cuz I didnt want everyone to see her

::10:: I felt like my heart was outside of my body, in my arms, looking up at me

I never wanted to be a mom. I vowed to be childless unless I adopted. Now I would not trade motherhood for anything. I love my daughter so much!