
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Same Sex Marriage

I have a friend whom I have had the privilege of growing up with since 4th grade. She has always worn the title of flirtatious and was slated for the superlative in our senior year of high school. She was one was always willing to try sexual acts with any dude that looked like he had it going on. The term that most considered her was "hoe" or "whore". But friendship lasts through thick and thin. I never judged her lifestyle although I never condoned it as well. Big shocker came when this friend of mine revealed that she was gay in summer of 08. No one could understand how such a promiscuous girl could be gay. Just as she took her heterosexuality to the edge, she has done the same with her homosexuality.

Her and girlfriend, who is also a friend of mine, have a pretty decent relationship. They are so engulfed with love and cant seem to get enough of each other. They have expressed their love for each other in huge monetary forms and even huger non-monetary forms. You would view them as the perfect lesbian couple. They do basically everything together and her girlfriend has managed to even take my place on many occasions as the best friend.

While sitting down one evening with the two of them, I began to ask questions about their relationship. I asked them how far did they see themselves going and I was utterly disgusted when my friend of 12 years told me "I am going to marry a man and she will just be my mistress." Both smiled in concurrence with the statement as I sat baffled and dismayed. I couldn't believe my friend was preparing to cheat on her husband with a woman ALREADY. How can one be so ignorant? My next question was well if you love each other so much, why wont you two just get married. They both just snickered as if I was the dumb one in the situation. I got a response later stating that "Two women aren't supposed to get married."

Well, they got me there! I am in no way against same sex marriage but I do have Christian values which believe that God put man on earth for a woman, not another man. I snickered back at the two as I realized how stupid they sounded. Since you know that MARRIAGE isn't made for two women or two men, why do you to continue on in a RELATIONSHIP in the same forbidden manner? One cannot possibly believe that God would be okay with the homosexual dating, but not okay with homosexual marriage. It's either all or none!

I'm sure there are those who probably have a long list of reasons WHY same sex marriage should be allowed. My only justification for such an act is the idea of freedom. People should be able to whatever they want to do. So if marrying the same sex makes you happy, GO FOR IT!



wow...theyre wylin...i dont understand their logic...anyway,

Anyways, I always had this love/hate thing for homosexuals. Every homosexual Ive known personally has been extra cool and un-judgemental towards people. They have been some of the coolest people Ive met in my life. Yet, Ive never understood how you could lust of that of the same sex. Plus, I used to believe that if youre gay you should die. Not on a hate thing but, because one of the basis of Christian values is youre put here to be fruitful. Gay people cant produce fruit together, nahmean...but hey...