
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It Takes So Much

*all feelings expressed are real, but not necessarily MINE*

So today after I saw the look in your eyes after you looked into mine, I realized it takes so much.

It takes so much to walk away from you as if your place in my life is minimal.

It takes so much not to scream at people through a bull horn just how much I love you.

It takes so much not to walk up to every person I see and tell them about the text messages you sent me last night.

It takes so much not to tweet about the phone call I received from you this morning, as you expressed your love and affection for me

It takes so much to settle for a "church hug" when I really want to hold you tight and not let go

It takes so much to ignore the butterflies I get when I see your smile

It takes so much not to part your lips with my tongue and taste your nectar

I guess it wouldn't take so much if I wasn't another man's woman and you weren't another woman's man.

You should be mine.



WOW!!!! that was so beautiful .. keep making poems this was really good