
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Be A Mother

I am blessed to have a wonderful 10 month old baby girl. I am indeed her mother. I don't allow anyone else to rob me of that title by doing "motherly" things for MY daughter. It truly hurts my heart to see women throw their children off to their grandparents so they may continue to live their life. That is not at all fair and should definitely be something that bothers the average person.

True Story: A girl gave birth to her daughter and LESS than a week after that, she posted pictures on Facebook of her out clubbing with her friends.

Now, I looked at her pictures and immediately shook my head. Not only did she not give her body time to breathe, she didn't give her daughter time to get acclimated and attached to her "mother" before getting back to her life. How selfish has the American culture become? How naive of her to post pictures of her horrible parenting? How dumb of her friends and family to post comments encouraging such behavior?

I was truly outdone because I know how the body works after such a traumatic event such as giving birth. Maybe you are thinking who I am to judge her for going and enjoying her youth-baby or not? Maybe you are correct or maybe you should realize a blog is for the world as that blogger sees it! :)

Anyhoot...I said all that to say that women like her cause stereotypes of young mothers to be validated. I hate defending the capability and responsibility of young mothers when I have such incapable young mothers working against me. Where have the values gone? What happened to mothers not wanting to be away from their babies for too long? What happened to mothers being MOTHERS and not baby sitters when it's convenient? It truly troubles my heart and I wish that things would change.

Trust me I am an advocate for mothers getting breaks to have personal time no matter the age. It is a necessity. But remember when parenting and motherhood comes before your personal desire. It's not and will never be cute for you to drop your baby off less than a week after birth so you can shake your ass in the club.




You are so right! It really irks me. Not saying a mother should never get some "me" time, when you choose to give life, you have to realize that life comes before your own. I just think when u become a mother, you need to take on the role yourself. I know so many people who's mothers/grandmothers have THEIR kids while they still live "the life." And it's not just the younger people doing this, although it is more frequently done within our age group sad to say, it is in older people too. Clearly i've learned age does not equal wisdom. My mother of my brother's daughter STILL puts more thought into shopping for HERSELF, Staying out late, clubbin.. and then has the nerve to say "man i had them kids all week I need to have fun too!" I don't know if some people have kids because they are cute, but if you are gonna have one I wish people would accept the responsibility that comes along with it rather than passing it to someone else that at the end of the day, is not obligated to do for "yours" Good blog girl! AMEN!


you know exactly what I mean!!!