
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2012 Election

So today is Election Day. Schools are out and people are fired up for their desired candidate. Four years ago, we as a people got a black man in office. Barack Obama presides as commander in chief for the United States of America. He made history as the first black president and has brought about so much positive change in four years. He came behind a world of pure chaos and destruction-8 years of it actually from dear oh George Bush. 4 years ago I marched to the polls in Daytona Beach, Florida with my friends, colleagues, professors, and other staff from Bethune. It felt grade to feel I had a hand in changing history. Today I sit in fear to think that our progression as a country could turn for worst if our beautiful president is not elected for 4 more years. As I voted today, it hit me. My vote is small and only one. I just hope it counts. I just hope that my president for the next 4 years will not only look like be but also have my best interest at heart. I pray that God looks over America and bless us to see President Barack Obama in office yet again. If mitt Romney gets in office, it will be a sad day for America. God bless us.