
Friday, January 11, 2013

An Apple Tree Growing Oranges

I would like to take credit for the following quote: "If an apple tree starts growing oranges, it would be hard to believe".

However, I am sure I am not the originator of the quote. When I said it, it felt so real and if I ever heard it before, I truly heard it when it escaped my lips.

 If we are metaphorically referring to people as the aforementioned, then it simply means that when people start doing totally different things, uncommon to their innate behavior....it will be something very hard to believe. I know that people can change. If I didn't believe that then I would be denying the power of faith and prayer. Lord knows, I believe in both those.

 But why is it so hard to believe that people can change? Is it because we get so used to one thing/way that anything different seems false or bogus?

I wish I was able to fully believe someone when they proclaim a change....but I can't. The person who I fell in love with and spend all my time with proposes changes for the better and the doubter in me won't fully believe it. I have even verbalized that some things about him will indeed stay the same. Typing this now, I feel awful for saying and even thinking that way.

 No matter how hard it may be to believe, people can undoubtedly change to better themselves and the people who love them should be able to embrace and welcome such change with open arms, heart, and mind. Incredible it may be, but I am a believer.

Oranges can grow from apple trees and the taste would probably be much more sweet!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Circle

Sadly I don't really have a circle. I don't have a ring of trust, love, and friendship. Most times I feel like all I actually have is me and my creator. I'm not really sure if it saddens me or even bothers me anymore. I just know that I would like an outlet. When I feel like the weight of the world is on me, I don't have that person to help me carry my load. Instead I try to cope and deal with things on my own. I stuff them away in my head and shield my heart as best possible. It doesn't always work. I often feel lost...left behind...forgotten. Things weren't always this way. I once had a circle. I had friends. I had my girls. Years tore that circle apart leaving me as one. When I need that outlet I often feel lonely. This moment is one of such solitude. The only friend I currently have serves as more than just a friend making things harder. Much harder actually because when things are awry amongst us...that's it. That supposed never ending circle I was once in seems more distant than ever. So my words...my computer...my phone...with the keyboard are all left of my circle. Just me, Fancy, and Franchesca.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2012 Election

So today is Election Day. Schools are out and people are fired up for their desired candidate. Four years ago, we as a people got a black man in office. Barack Obama presides as commander in chief for the United States of America. He made history as the first black president and has brought about so much positive change in four years. He came behind a world of pure chaos and destruction-8 years of it actually from dear oh George Bush. 4 years ago I marched to the polls in Daytona Beach, Florida with my friends, colleagues, professors, and other staff from Bethune. It felt grade to feel I had a hand in changing history. Today I sit in fear to think that our progression as a country could turn for worst if our beautiful president is not elected for 4 more years. As I voted today, it hit me. My vote is small and only one. I just hope it counts. I just hope that my president for the next 4 years will not only look like be but also have my best interest at heart. I pray that God looks over America and bless us to see President Barack Obama in office yet again. If mitt Romney gets in office, it will be a sad day for America. God bless us.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


A while back I tweeted about girls becoming territorial when sex becomes a factor rather boyfriend or not. This truth is becoming more and more evident in my life. I see all the time how people and the relationships they are in change after sex is involved. It's inevitable and quite natural especially for women. So let's get to the elephant in the room chilling in the corner---JEALOUSY.

It's a cruel and unwarranted thing yet so many suffer from it daily. Jealousy has a negative connotation but can be stemmed from normal, positive feelings. Think about it like this: If a boy or girl didn't like you and had no interest, they wouldn't care enough to be jealous. Be flattered if someone thinks enough of you to possess feelings of jealousy when another person gets your attention or overuse of smiley faces via Twitter. [insert laugh]

A verse by Wale says something along the lines of -a woman worth anger is worth your time- okay so I probably butchered that line which I'm good for but the point is: a person worth getting all jealous and territorial about is worth some good. :)


Thursday, June 2, 2011

I am not my hair-or am I?

So lately I have been having a hair crisis. I want all kinds of different hair. I actually cut my own hair which I hate now! So I am thinking about wigs. What do you think?


Me and my girls took a trip to Miami. It was good and it was bad, but through it all it was fun! I wish to do such trips like this with my girls annually. I think things like that are good for friends to share with each other. They build memories and strengthen their bond.

Friendships are one of the most important types of relationships one can have. It is equally important for both people to make the friendship work. One of the great things about a true friendship is that no matter the miles in between or the lack of communication; uniting is like things never changed. I love my girls and we was all in MIAMI TRICK!

Welcome Back

I have been away too long. I need to let you in my thoughts. I need to let you in my world! So much has been going on. So I guess I'll say to myself, "Welcome back!" I don't plan to leave you alone for this long again. Sooooo, let's get it started!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Top 10 Reason UNHAPPY Couples Stay Together

Number 10: they cut off all their friends and cut buddies and dont wanna start from scratch! *burning bridges*

Number 9: don't want to be like their friends and/or relatives whose relationships were unsuccessful *thought yall was better than them*

Number 8: one or both parties feel guilty for previous wrongdoings *well....i DID cheat on him b4 so its okay that he just beat my ass* lol

Number 7: We love each other, so we SUPPOSED to be together *love is NOT the super glue to relationships! be clear*

Number 6: One or both parties benefits materialistically *I cant leave him. He keep my nails and hair done & make sure $$ in my pocket*

Number 5: Most people rather BE with someone and be unhappy, than happy and ALONE *at least I'll have someone to hold at night*

Number 4: Hate to prove everybody right about your partner *Now the whole facebook gon know he cheated when he put pics up of his other chic*

Number 3: wanna keep the family together *we got kids or my momma loves him/her so much*

Number 2: Sexual relationship is awesome! *her head game tooooo right or his penis is one of a kind*

Number 1: Either person can even stand the thought of seeing the other with someone new. *Put up with the arguing and stay for real*

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Be A Mother

I am blessed to have a wonderful 10 month old baby girl. I am indeed her mother. I don't allow anyone else to rob me of that title by doing "motherly" things for MY daughter. It truly hurts my heart to see women throw their children off to their grandparents so they may continue to live their life. That is not at all fair and should definitely be something that bothers the average person.

True Story: A girl gave birth to her daughter and LESS than a week after that, she posted pictures on Facebook of her out clubbing with her friends.

Now, I looked at her pictures and immediately shook my head. Not only did she not give her body time to breathe, she didn't give her daughter time to get acclimated and attached to her "mother" before getting back to her life. How selfish has the American culture become? How naive of her to post pictures of her horrible parenting? How dumb of her friends and family to post comments encouraging such behavior?

I was truly outdone because I know how the body works after such a traumatic event such as giving birth. Maybe you are thinking who I am to judge her for going and enjoying her youth-baby or not? Maybe you are correct or maybe you should realize a blog is for the world as that blogger sees it! :)

Anyhoot...I said all that to say that women like her cause stereotypes of young mothers to be validated. I hate defending the capability and responsibility of young mothers when I have such incapable young mothers working against me. Where have the values gone? What happened to mothers not wanting to be away from their babies for too long? What happened to mothers being MOTHERS and not baby sitters when it's convenient? It truly troubles my heart and I wish that things would change.

Trust me I am an advocate for mothers getting breaks to have personal time no matter the age. It is a necessity. But remember when parenting and motherhood comes before your personal desire. It's not and will never be cute for you to drop your baby off less than a week after birth so you can shake your ass in the club.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Healed Wounds

When a wound heals, it tends to leave an ugly scab as a constant reminder of the pain and blood shed. Until it fully heals, it may itch a little and some are even impossible to touch without it being sore. But when a wound is completely healed and goes from scab to scar, it has no feeling. It doesnt bother you at all no matter if it is talked about, touched, rubbed or scratched again. So I ask myself; are my love wounds truly healed???

If those spots which once caused great pain are again touched or bumped up against, will they again hurt me? Will they again make me cry or allow my heart to sink into that dark place of anguish? If so, then those wounds cannot be healed as I fooled myself into thinking. Scars don't ail!