
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just Be Real

Why is it that people feel like they cant be straight forward from the beginning! I am one who desires the stink, dirty, and nasty truth before a little white lie! I find it intriguing if a person tells me what they want from the top and doesn't shade or "behind-the-bush" anything.

A lot of girls know they only want sex or whatever materials you can afford. They simply play the "oh-I-really-like-you" role long enough to the satisfaction desired until they are moving on to what's better and more importantly, NEXT.

Of course there are those dudes who are in it to hit and quit but although most females try to act surprised, they probably knew this was the case before they allowed themselves to play victim! My thing is, a lot of time could be preserved if people would simply put the cards ON the table instead of UNDER it from jump street!

Let the person know your REAL desires and intentions before someone actually gets hurts in the long run. It saves time and hearts! We are in a recession; everything needs to be preserved. haha!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Keep It Movin

What do you do when your heart beats for two? Do you choose the one you love or the one who loves you?

This is mostly for my ladies but I'm sure my fellas can feel me on this as well. It's crazy how much you THINK you are over a person and then they show up with "that other girl/guy". Your whole world goes dumb as you start to remember all the good times you shared. You actually realize how much of your heart that person really has. It's even crazier because you have suppsedly moved on yourself!

But does a person ever really stop loving?? I think not. I believe that all loves are different and cant be compared to each other. You don't stop loving, rather you take the dedication to move on. So again I ask, what is a person to do when love is telling them to go back with that "old guy/girl" but the future looks brighter with that "new-new"?

Do you give up on what you have and go back to what you had? People are in your life for a season and to go back and try to reestablish what WAS is insane. So I say, pick up the dusty pieces to your life and keep it moving!

Don't miss out on your blessing because you too busy playing on the Devil's playground. =) Embrace the fact that yes, you love them, but it's a reason why the two of you are no longer ONE.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Cupid, Oh Cupid...

So Happy Late Valentine's Day to everyone. I hope you enjoyed yourself thoroughly as I did. I came to a clear realization this Valentine's weekend. That whole lovey dubby thing is so not worth it. Don't get me wrong but I didn't do the "norm" for Valentine's Day but I am sure that the quality time I spent with my boyfriend was much more valued and appreciated than the girl who got taken out on that "special date" and the girl who got the atmosphere SET just right for SEX. All the money that was spent on meaningless gifts and one track dates were incomparable to the simple kiss I received when it was indeed, Valentine's Day.

The look in my boyfriend's eye was priceless when I told him how much I truly cared and didn't want a fancy dinner to prove his love for me. I wanted to order in something and watch movies. Actually spend time together and talk....sex will come.

The laughs, million of hugs, cuddling, and innumerable kisses were insurmountable to any gift that he has ever given me. So for the years to come, I no longer expect a fancy date or a fancy gift. I just want the love and attention from my lover knowing that sex wont be the highlight of the night. The time we share is all we need!

FYI: I did get a teddy bear and a new digital camera....didnt want you to think my boyfriend is a cheap ass! lol

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sex Partners

So many times I have asked both sexes "How many partners are TOO many partners?" Other than the initial response of ONE....people usually say they dont know... So I would just like to know the answer with a well thought out response. I know in high school I would always think that males shouldnt go over 50 and females shouldnt go over 5. I have no idea what kind of ratio I was working with but that was my thought pattern.

As I started growing up I realized that my female number was not realistic by far. Females have gone above and beyond 5 and lots dont even know an actual number, rather a range. They find the idea of keep tracking "childish" and "novice". WHAT?!?! Where have the standards gone???

Males pride themselves in multiple partners and think it's cute not to have an actual number. (SMH)

My personal opinion of a female number that is too large would definitely have to be anything more than 2 boys per year. For example if a girl has been active for 3 years, she should not have had sex with over 6 dudes...Is that too many? Please somebody let me know!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dirty Double Standard

Girls always question why can guys do certain things but girls cant. The main point being "How come if a dude puts his penis inside anything with a hole, he's a pimp, but if a girl let's any dude get inside her, she is a whore.

No, I may not have the answer to this question but I think my opinion is valid. I believe the female is more sacred and valuable than the male species. I am not bashing fellows, but be serious about it! Girls are da ish! *no homo* We have the key to everything in the world and corporate America just puts you in high position because a female in such a high place causes major intimidation.

Females are supposed to be respected and treated as a hidden treasure. Purity is always valued in a woman more so than a man. To my ladies, I know we always say "I want a man who knows what he is doing." You can't find this in a male who hasnt "been around the block". Dont get me wrong. I am not saying that male sluts are more desireable than a man of good moral standing. I am saying that one with experience who isnt heartless is preferable in most cases.

To my fellas, I didnt forget yall either. I know how much more fun and attractive it is for a girl to be chaste. No one wants a old and worn out, flabby, already elastic vagina to insert their manhood. You want something that makes you feel good instead of making you feel small cuz the poor girl cant feel a thing. >LOOSE< And you definitely cant fault the man who has "it" being thrown at him left and right. Males are weaker mentally and their flesh as well. Females have been blessed with the power to say no. The option is always clear whereas males may feel like the women have given them NO CHOICE! I love yall! I'm Out!


So it's 2:23 am and I can't even think about sleeping right now because as the saying goes "the weight of the world is on my shoulders". For the past three months I have been making some of the dumbest decisions. Well tonight I finally got my long awaited reality check.

#1 My sister is ALWAYS there for me, although her unintentional bitchy ways can totally turn me off and give off the wrong vibe. She loves me for who I am and has manged to keep all my secrets no matter what. I have no clue where I would be without that girl. Needless to say, I called her with tears streaming down my face only an hour prior to this time. Life without my sis is Y U C K Y.

#2 I can do without my "friends" here in Daytona. That may sound so harsh but lately I have found myself trying to mold and shape them into the friends I have back home. The reality is THEY WILL NEVER BE MY BEST FRIENDS AND AS OF NOW THEY WILL NEVER LOVE AND UNDERSTAND ME AS MY BESTIES BACK HOME HAVE. The whole idea is superficial and I was way MORE than naive to think they could ever be an equivalent substitution for my GIRLS. Thought pattern is Y U C K Y.

#3 My boyfriend loves me more than I could ever explain to the person looking at me in the mirror. He goes to great ends for me and {most} times does it without complaint. No matter how much bull shit I throw his way, he manages to keep his cool and give me that security I need every time he says "I love you". For the first time in my life, I feel like I NEED a person to survive. That person being my angel, best friend, confidant, pride, and the love of my life-my boyfriend. Me not appreciating him as I should is Y U C K Y.

#4 Above all I can only be ME! This portion of my reality check is soooo needed. I have found myself too many times to count, in the appeasing seat and second placing my feelings for others. I refuse to suppress Fancy B any longer. I am who God created me to be and that is something I am very proud of. Everything else and everyone else must wait because I come before all in {MY} world. Me thinking I could change for others was Y U C K Y.

I guess you can say, I have come to my senses. My duty now is to make sure that I hold on to these truths and embrace them with love. My life will no longer be Y U C K Y. I'm taking it ALLLLLLLL back. =)