
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Love Hates

Jazmine Sullivan's album "Fearless" had some awesome tracks on it but for the majority of the CD, you had to have experienced the situations to truly understand, love, and appreciate the songs.

Lions, Tigers, and Bears was indeed a hit off the album and was one of the tracks that was seriously personal to me. A line that really hit home in the song goes as follows: "Why do we love, love when love seems to hate us"

This is a question that only women and men alike who have undergone some serious heartbreak will ever understand. I am in no way saying that only women play the fool to love but it is usually our species who do. We never seem to give up on love no matter how many times it has led us astray or how many stitches it takes to mend our broken hearts. For most females love is like an addicting drug in so many facets. When we don't have it, we crave it, NEED it, want it, get upset if we can find someone to give it, will give anything just to get a "hit". And once we get that hit, we keep puffing-never passing until we get that true high. We enjoy that high soooo much. It's a feeling that is unexplainable. We never want to come down off that high and we do whatever it takes to maintain it. We get so livid with people trying to blow our high; like the ex-girlfriends and present haters. As a side effect of this potent drug, we go outside of our candid character when anything or anyone doesn't allow us to experience that pure bliss we desire from that high. That is when we become super weak and highly emotional. It is the time when we make ultimate sacrifices in order to keep that drug flowing in our lives. Our best friends say we act different. We no longer want to hang out as much and grades begin to fail because of all the time we spend getting "high". Before we know it, we become so consumed with this drug that nothing else or no one else matters except for our supplier. The happiness and security we get from this drug is insurmountable. Then that day comes when we no longer get that same high we used to. Things have changed as if we're on a new drug. The old days are just that-old days. We start to get depressed and crying is a regular part of our day. We're encumbered with feelings of rage and sadness because our drug has begun to let us down. We can't seem to find out how to get that same drug back from our supplier, not realizing it isn't the drug that has changed but the supplier, himself. The supplier which is the boyfriend has decided that supplying is no longer as riveting as it was in the beginning of the "smoking session". He passed the "blunt/pipe" a long time ago and had no desire for us to pass it back. He is on to supplying the next girl who is soon to be let down! Yet we females continue to pull from this now dead blunt/pipe not realizing the drug is gone. We are now smoking on fumes. We see the ashes from when this drug was at its prime but it is no longer there. The drug has won again. Love don't love nobody and when it does, it's only temporary. Our high is gone-completely gone. We are left destitute and in withdrawal as we reminisce on that awesome drug we had. So I ask my love bugs out there, was that high really worth this low? Because now every new supplier you get has to work super hard and supply way more in order for you to realize that his drug is the best on the market for you. You never allow yourself to get completely high anymore because remembering how awful you felt when that drug left your life inhibits you from true happiness. Sooner or later we do fine that supplier that seems to shame all the rest of suppliers you had before. You're getting high again, not even worried about coming down. Then the vicious cycle begins again...We find ourselves off that high over and over and over again. It's a sad thing. We want to get ourselves together because frankly, we are tired of seeing ourselves like this. So we check ourselves into rehab. We go on a spree of being single, living the good life and embracing ourselves more than ever. Self love becomes our main focus and motivation as we try to shake ourselves of that dirty drug-love. We do well for a while. Some of us go months...years. Sadly most of us still find ourselves nostalgically wanting that drug back in our lives. More than likely we slip up and start all over from the beginning. Love is one drug that is not going ANYWHERE no matter how or who may deny it. We love to love, to have love, to be loved but have you ever took the time to really recognize how much love hates....



*stands & clears throat* Hi, My name is Mama Madness and I am an addict....SMH Fancy I swear if others took the time to read this they'd really understand! I've gone sooo long without a supplier and I can't seem to get that monkey off my back. LOL Sheesh! Love is a drug.......*snaps fingers profusely* BRAVO!!! BRAVO!


GREAT!!!! Loved it!!! I absolutely agree with everything you said!! Keep it up girlie!!! ♥