
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Let It Go!

I have so much to say but at times like this my words can never really be expressed. I guess the bottom line is I am unsure of my feelings and my take on certain situations cause I could potentially have a biased view. But here goes!

People go through life not really getting the treatment they deserve because of their passive and kind ways. But how do you know when too far is just that? Too far! Don’t get me wrong because I believe in forgiving people but when it seems as if the intentions of the person is to honestly hurt you, that’s when you have to get the balls to continue on without that person. No one who truly loves you will continuously do things that cause you ill feelings. Obviously that person is trying to send you a sign or give u the notion that he/she wants a change in life and you are not necessarily apart of that change. People can only do what you allow them to do and if you allow them to run over you or make a fool of you or even present a picture of them having you wrapped around their pinky finger, then guess what….THEY WILL CONTINUE TO DO THESE THINGS WITHOUT ANY TYPE OF REMORSE!!!

Girls indeed play games in relationships no matter how much they love and care for you. But some games chicks play go beyond the limitation of a TRUE loving relationship. If someone so called really care about you then they want the best for you. Love is KIND! I know that things are not supposed to be all peachy clean but things do get to that breaking point and when it gets there it has to be a 50/50 effort to get past it. When new situations began to arise and you are the victim not the criminal, it is time to LET GO! There is no justification or excuse to be mistreated! If the person you have professed your love to publically and privately begins to do things out of the norm such as numerable cheatings acts or anything that is shameful to tell a third party, then maybe that person has already began a new life and is just giving you reasons to call it quits….(games) the best game a chick or guy can put on is the upfront game cause he or she is letting you know everything that is going on but at the same time not stopping the side piece action! So for that person, everything is cool because they “did the right thing” by making you aware of the wrong actions but who is to say that the wrong actions are going to stop as a result of you knowing?!?! Them not having anything to hide only allows them to sleep better but oh well for your sleep cause that person still doing their own thing without any regard to your feelings!

Then that person hits you with the “but YOU did this” or “what about that time YOU” type of stuff. This in turn makes you feel bad and that is when you excuse such behavior from him or her because the wrong you did surfaces once again! But my main thing is this {{{love is not sufficient if BOTH parties are doing things that can most definitely be under the title of cheating}}} obviously the happiness that was once there is only sparked at certain times and remnants of the past can produce that smile that you once couldn’t get OFF your face. Rather you decide to face reality or not, you both have found happiness elsewhere. The time needed to mend and rebuild what WAS, is too extensive due to the fact that in the time used to repair; feelings for whomever else have already grown! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Clearly you must be insane to keep trying to put the pieces to the puzzle back together knowing it’s a 100 count and you only have 78 pieces to work with!! Maybe you are better off without each other than being together under conditions that include arguing constantly, attitude changes when the person comes around, lying when the truth is too much to handle, and going to sleep thinking about someone else >lol…killer<> Basically you both are looking for an outlet to escape the sad reality of what once was but when the outlet becomes available it becomes easier to blame each other than to accept things as they are clearly given to you! You can love someone and be apart from them. Just because you love someone doesn’t mean that you have to be with each other. Love is definitely not the super glue to relationships. It has to be more!

Moral of the blog>>>>LET IT GO!



Wow sexy lady that was nice!!! Sometimes people need to know how to let it go...That's one of the problems we all have had one point in our life


what stuck out to me most was: There is no justification or excuse to be mistreated. I used to make excuses all the time but now i think it's easier to deal w/ and let go early rather than make excuses b/c really you hurt yourself more than the other person ever could by accepting it. This was a good blog, and the ending was perfect.. I thought about something similiar to it and want your opinion. It's my blog called is love enough, i really want to know your take on it.