
Friday, July 17, 2009

Not Two

Why did I let you go is the question on my mind
You were such a lovely person, so funny and so kind

But I listened to my head instead of my heart
It said you no longer loved me and we were falling apart

So instead of me getting my heart broken once more again
I cut the relationship off and called us just friends

But I knew in my heart I wanted more
Cause without you, I had nothing to really live for

Many nights I cried myself sleep
I wish I hadn't gotten in so deep

I called and called, but you never answered the phone
I felt so unloved, I felt all alone

Finally we talked for what seemed like forever
By the end of the conversation we were back together

It was like the angels began to sing
I was so happy, what a wonderful thing

I never loved a person like I love you
I'm so happy we're one-not two