
Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I thought I was growing up and leaving the drama aspect behind me. It never fails that it seems to wander around until it finds me. So here is the latest. A girl wrote the following note on facebook and tagged me FIRST...

This Shit IS kinda Sad..but its true!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 1:58pm
FIRST....LET ME START OFF BY SAYIN...this note is not to bash or put anybody down..If you feel you have reached this message in error please hang up and try your call again.ANYWHO...I just wanted to say that WE MEANING BLACKS...xspecially my females need to wake up.AID/HIV IS THE #1KILLER IN THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY!!ppl check da info...Why do we insist on having raw sex and getting prego and shit..i understand mistakes happen,but at a time like this u really have to be more careful,new diseases are being discovered everyday but i swear like 4 a min,everyday out the week i found out sumbdy havin a baby..not even 21yet..its like WTF?..WHY ARENT WE USING THE BRAINS God gave us...just cuz a boy wants to have sex with you raw doesn't mean your his main or tht your anybody special..it actually means he doen't care about you or hisself..and just bcuz u known sumbody for a long period of time doesn't mean they clean..and by clean i mean not infected...a couple of years back we new a nigga tht went to clark tht had aids(and he was fine)and was fukn bitches raw on purpose bcuz he was mad@the world bcuz his ass had AIDS..So its like ppl just think man,thts all i'm sayin..i want us all to live long happy lives..but if we make careless descions like weather or not to use a condom..we will all eventually perish..and i use the term we loosly..cuz i knw all black dnt hve raw sex...and then with the dam baby thing..WHY THE FUCK WUD U *WANT* A BABY@18YRS OLD...sum of these gurls r getting prego on purpose..WHY?so you can struggle all your life and put your dreams on hold to raise another human being?i'm not understanding it.Why not wait til your physically,emotionally and FINANCILLY able..PLEASE DNT BANK ON YO FOOD STAMPS AND WELFARE TO HELP YOU CUZ THTS JUST PATHeTIC...And then just say oh my mama and frends gne help me...vanessa if u get prego gurl u on ya own..u too janice..i ain't helpin wit shit..lol..naw 4real y wud u wana put tht on your mama and others..hell ya mama done raising babies..why wud u wana put your love ones threw tht shit..THAT YOU CAN PREVENT...alli'm sayin is tht its not cute to be on the marta bus wit a baby..its not cute to have yo baby in gucci@2years old but u living with ur mama..CUM ON NOW LADIES..LETS GET OUR SHIT 2GETHER..and then its like when u young and got a baby..DON'T NO NIGGA WANNA FUCK WIT NO BABY MAMA...YOUNG NIGGAS AIN'T TRYNA PLAY DADDY...so dats all i gotta say if u get mad then dat mean its about ya ass so don't hate on the messenger...JUST THINK PEOPLE..DON'T LISTEN TO EVERYTHING A MAN TELLS YOU..AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....WRAP IT UP...oh yea another thing all these babies growing up now..are the future..they are the world and if they aren't raised rite..in a good stable enviorment(which means they have a mom fully devoted to there well being...and not tryna hit up figure 8 every weekend,smoking weed and dranking Goose around them..and all tht otha ghetto shit)..they will grow up to be another statistic..So if you want your child to grow up happy..not needing 4 shit..then please wait til your ready..thanks everybody thts my time..its been real...GOD BLESS EVERYONE!

Her message could potentially be a good one but she went about it the wrong way in my opinion. I responded with this status....

Franchesca Fancy Battle is LH{pretty}BO at these incapable minds that speak so much "truth". Stop for a second and think about graduation day>>>dont think I saw you in your cap and gown! Before you try to drop some knowledge on ANYBODY, help yourself to a spoonful! Fancy gon do her and doesnt need your help to do it! *lOvE And pEAcE*

She commented back as well as I....

Tiffanie Latrice Jarrett at 3:16pm July 6
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i see you took the note kinda personaldidn't say u needed my help for anything...didn't men to offend anybody but like i said...if the shoe fits then hey...and yeah u didnt see me @graduation day..but a nigga still got her diploma and i think thts all tht matters..a nigga is strait...worry free...so uuuhhhhhhhhh like monica say...."don't take it personal baby"!!do u...

Franchesca Fancy Battle at 3:37pm July 6
who says the status was about you??? you give yourself way too much credit...looks like you're the one trying the proper shoes on...and if you think you are the first female to attack pregnant girls, then you got another one coming cuz you NOT and you wont be the last. the bottom line is YOU {tiffanie latrice jarrett} are not the one to judge ...all that matters for me is that ima take care of mine and fyi im disease free with college education which isnt stopping b/c of my child! i may not have it all together but all together i have it all! like jeezy say "only God can judge me, who the FUCK is you?!" and trust ima do me cuz only i can!=)

Tiffanie Latrice Jarrett at 2:28pm July 7
And thats all i'm sayin do you gid dam,i specifically said in the first line of the note THIS IS NOT TO JUDGE BASH OR ATTACK anybody.neva said u had a disease..dnt be so sensitive..it is wat it is...sorry if u feel attacked bt u were the only one tht had sumthin to say,so i guess you took it personal,however tht was not my intention,i din bash bt i refuse 2 do this facebook fighting thing so this is it...get mad or wateva bt ppl will always have sumthn to say..thts life..deal with it..i been dealing wit it....do wat u gota do shawty..y u letting another nigga words get u upset...fuck it..it doesn't matta@da end of the day...so dnt write nun else bout me,tell ya lame ass frens to stp the hb shit..so childish..its a wrap..

Franchesca Fancy Battle at 4:55pm July 7
bless yo heart....you HONESTLY think i have to hide behind an honesty box??????? since when were we facebook fighting? you making stuff a lot bigger than what it is. you wrote a note and i wrote a status that you ASSUMED was about you. then you go on to write more statuses and comments and even accused me of stuff....do me and you a favor by just blocking me to eliminate anymore confusion! i got bigger things in my life than you...be blessed!

Tiffanie Latrice Jarrett at 5:03pm July 7
shawty wateva i'm dne have ur baby..have a good life..u got it bra..

She then proceeded to send me a message....

Tiffanie Latrice Jarrett
July 7 at 3:49pm
Report Message
ok...i'm not going to keep going back and forth..u can just end it rite here..i have my opinion u have yours..and tht shud be the end of it...tell your frens to stp writing in my honesty box,dnt dedicate your status to me or nun of tht dumb ass computer shi..cuz at the end of the day i'ma still say wat i gota say and i'm not gne stp..long ass i'm not disrespecting anybody i'm cool,hell I WASN'T EVEN REFERING to your ass but you took it personal anyway as if i hit home for you so hey..i'm done with you..kill it..let it die for it go sumwhere u dnt want it to go..like i said..sorry if i offended u,tht wasn't my intention,the shit about me graduatin was funny..uncalled for bt funny...u thought u had sumthn but a nigga got hers..tht shit u talkin dnt even matter..so i wish u the best with ur baby and hope u dnt make the same mistake agin....*smooches*

so yeah, i replied....

Franchesca Fancy Battle
July 7 at 5:06pm
get a life tiffanie...i never said i took it personal...and for the last time, i never said the status was about you...hit dog will holla...you da only one taking shit personal, but you fail to realize that....i didnt take da shit personal...it was ya opinion so go you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please stop accusing me of writing in ya hb and idk what friends you talking bout but im pretty sure they have better things to do than toy with your hb....you telling me to let it die, but notice that you continue to contact me. you all on MY page, you making statuses and comments.....im so over it....grow up and you definitely tried me and my child by calling her a mistake. i wish ya mother would've aborted you. you are obviously the mistake. life is a gift from God, so thats on you for making it seem like he doesnt know what he's doing. i wish you the best with your pointless life.goodbye ms opinonated, dont give a fuck what ppl think about it, yet im all on franchesca's page salty about some petty shit, tiffanie. be blessed

even after i kindly dismissed her, she STILL replied...

Tiffanie Latrice Jarrett
Today at 12:20pm
Report Message
First off,let me address where your wrong.FRANCHESA I WROTE A NOTE,u got mad.changed ur stat...therefore YOU TOOK IT PERSONAL...WTF DNT U UNDERSTAND...U WERE ThE ONLY ONE WHO HAD SUMTHN TO SAY BOUT IT.da only one..even tho it wasn't directed towards you..I never said YOUR CHILD was a mistake...SEE YOUR STILL TAKING MY WORDs PERSONAL...bt you knw wat rite about now i dnt gve a fuck if u take them personal,stp being fake,the staus was about my note so i'm not buying your bullshit....and how did i try you when i never directed anything towards you..ONCE AGAIN THE DOg WILL HOLLA!!!u playin ya self rite now,u look real stupid..u called ya self out by getting mad lol...and as for me getting a life..in a couple of months ur going to wish u had one..lol..and for your knowledge i sent the message bcuz i thought the drama was childish.I dnt have to have ppl all oin my shit.oh andplease dnt try to call me out bout shit,cuz me my ppl know bout u.trust..and if u wana go there we can,see that was da problem in da first place u dnt knw wat ppl knw bout ya ass so dnt go there u or ya frend dnt wana go there...so uhh please end it rite here for your own sake baby mama...dnt contyact me...dnt dedicate your personal status to me..i feel special tht u did tht but enuf already...this is pointless ok..i'm sure you have PLENTY other MORE IMPORTANT things to WORRY and STRESS over..so live your life and keep me out of it..i'm not coming to no fukin baby shower so dnt foward me da message...thanks......peace and love!!!..............and who said anything about GOD not knowing wat he's doin..man shut da hell up..u obviously have isssues with your pregnacy..dnt take them out on me..u had unprotected sex..not i..u have to live with tht shit..not i...i'm good...good job...good schooling..good relationship...good place..i'm good baby..wish u cud say the same....maby u shuda gt da abortion cuz i see now ur misreable..mad@da world...honestly why are you mad at me?What did i physically do to you?I musta hit home for you in the note huh?sorry babe life is real...

needless to say, i finally blocked her and let her live in that screwed up brain of hers. she then went on to instant message my friend about ME accusing us both of writing in her honesty box and other mess. she also dedicated two statuses to ME! oh and dont let me forget her comment on her own note that was also about ME. yet she is the one continuously saying I dont need to take things personal. You be the judge and tell me who took anything personal....{lmao}

Indeed I gave her way to much of my time and should not have entertained her to begin with but it was just so tempting. For her, it's really a big deal and she probably has been living for this drama but it's old now and I'm so over her! I left Westlake drama at Westlake over two years ago! It's time to grow up! Me included!



Man.. that's some bull. I read that note one day on the book and ironically most of the ppl tagged were pregnant so how was it not to bash noone i don't know.. but i took it like she was bashing people.. which, clearly she called herself out for doing when she messaged you about your status. Like you said, she must've took it personal too to think it was about her. Being pregnant does not mean you have no life. Children are blessings from God no matter what age you have them! All depends on what type of person you are for you to be "parent material" and not everyone is parent materials but to say a baby is a mistake is crazy and she need to be struck by lightening for saying some shit like that. People love throwing statistics out there, SO WHAT. You got old ass ppl still having kids who cant do shit for them, so what does being young have anything to do about it? Everybody that is pregnant at our age is not on welfare, does not have to rely on food stamps, and does not always ride marta.. which none are even a bad thing because you are still providing for yours! Some people don't do anything .. you are 20, you're a college student that makes GREAT grades .. perhaps all A's ... you work more than 1 job, you are in a loving relationship in which you both are happy, and you have a huge support systmen! Looks to me like you have a BLESSING. She needs to keep her "tip" to herself. fuck her life (lmao)


i agree 402%!!!! couldnt have said it better myself!


Ok, I couldn't even get through the whole thing!...This is jus plain out wrong. Yes those of us who are not in particular situations do tend to look @ things differently (like my joke about pregnancy being in the water lol) but seriously WHO ARE WE 2 judge anyone & then try 2 say that it's not meant to offend just educate? I mean REALLY!? smh We as a people should be trying to uplift one another & help out. It takes a village not one Indian trying 2 be the nxt chief ya dig?